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Career Alchemist

I am Pradnya Vernekar, a Career Alchemist. I am a certified Life Coach and Mentor from the University of Wellness. West Virginia. I am a 3x Bestselling Author, foreword of my books being written by Marshall Goldsmith and Emma Mildon.

Potential is a priceless treasure, like gold. All of us have gold hidden within, but we have to dig to get it out.”

– Joyce Meyer

I help women access their highest potential by removing the limiting gender inhibitors (self developed methodology) and getting in touch with the magic of their innate gifts.

Two things I am highly passionate about:


✨Bringing women who are ready back into the workforce. These women like you are the gold mines of our country filled with talent that will boost our economy. 

✨Assisting women in entering Leadership and C Suite settings with confidence.I love equipping, teaching, orchestrating systems for the hungry to progress women cultivating the mindsets and capabilities to then proceed and go for those desired and/or higher/leadership level jobs. So that more competent women are in the workforce and are thriving at it.

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Who is Pradnya Vernekar at her core? 

In 2008, in my first corporate job in a small sized company, I brought the women together. It was the first time, the organization had a forum for women.
Community building runs in my blood.

In 2012, I remember there was a time when I spoke up being the junior most HR professional in the room in front of many Directors and the CEO. I called out on how a certain Manager was gaslighting his team members and why the high performance rating he was bestowed upon was just looking at one side of his performance. We then as a HR team, delved into the process of designing a holistic and comprehensive performance appraisal system considering the technical, human and aspirational aspects of an employee.

Orchestrating efficient and impactful systems to uplift organization cultures is my speciality.

In 2016, after being in depression for almost a year due to the label of 'unexplained infertility', I was in my lowest low time. August 2016, I decided I am not going to stop my life in the yearning of being a mother. It was also the time when I decided to not let any labels or my ability or inability to be a mother define my self worth. I was whole then, I am whole now. That is when I decided to serve other women with love and connection and utmost respect.

The 'why' behind what I do has the foundation in seeing, feeling and listening to an employee or organization's story like no one has done before.

In 2019, the first year of my son's birth, I felt a pang of deep frustration with my life being completely changed like no one else's around. No one prepares you for motherhood is what I realized. It brought in distance in my marriage and my self worth as a mother. When I realized, I cannot suffocate anymore in this cage, I seeked help from my mentor. I unshamed my guilt with her and learnt how to hold that safe space for others. My marriage and my relationship with my son is like never before.

Unshaming and normalising our most hidden emotions (gender inhibitors) is my innate gift. This enables employees to open up with a safe and secure feeling.

From 2008 till date, I have worked in different countries and cultures which means the way I serve you and the organizations come with a rich knowing of cultures, values and systems. This coupled with my extensive work in gender inhibitors means the way I serve is an unique proposition.  

Freedom of true expression, heartfelt connection and creativity are the foundational pillars of my service.

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